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No “try-outs” are required to become a member of the Trafford Junior Tamburitzans.  Any child who has an interest in singing,  dancing and music is accepted and welcomed.  The only requirements are a commitment to our group to do ones best, and a dedication to performing to the best of one’s ability. The Trafford Junior Tamburitzans is a nondiscriminatory organization.  Membership is encouraged without regard to race or ethnic background and our group upholds the following values: 


  • That people have unique cultures and customs and children should be encouraged to appreciate their differences.

  • That education in the arts promotes self-expression through music and dance and increases a child’s potential for success.

  • That high expectations challenge children to achieve their success.

  • That exposing children to a variety of experiences profoundly affects their motivation to learn.

  • That children represent the future of society and they are the caretakers of history and heritage.




To start with, its fun.  Folk dances are fast, fun and challenging. They are even more fun and challenging when they are done as a group! The Eastern European folk music that we sing and play is also fast, fun, and challenging! The group practices weekly to learn the dances, songs, and music that we play at our performances.


We learn from experienced instructors. In fact, all three are former Duquesne Tamburitzans.  Unlike other ensembles that concentrate strictly on music or dance, the Junior Tamburitzans offers singing lessons, dancing lessons and the ability to learn various musical instruments!


We learn to play the tamburitza instruments from the Southern, Central and Eastern regions of Europe as well as the Balkan regions of Europe.  The tamburitza is fun instrument because of its unique sound and steel strings.

We perform locally for civic and charitable events.  All of the costumes are provided by the group. 


Our performances offer something for everyone; combining music, dance and our great costumes. The best part of being in the group is making new friends from all over the Pittsburgh area!


The group accepts new members ages 5 to 18.
- There are no try-outs
- Only $35/month per student (Multiple child discounts available)
- You do not need to own an instrument or know anything about music to join
- There are no additional costume fees.


Contact us by calling Chris Shearer at 412-860-4456 or filling out the form below. Thank you!

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